
Medford Photography

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's A New Year

Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year!! We sure did! It's so hard to believe that 2011 is already here! Where in the world did 2010 go?! I am totally loving all of this snow that we are getting pounded with (hence the fact that I am able to sit down and catch up on this blog a bit). It is so beautiful and it makes me feel like a little kid again! I can't help but not love it!! We have high hopes that 2011 will be one of the most memorable years for us. If it's anything like 2010, it surely will be! Below, are some of our hopes for the new year.
  • First and foremost (and I'm sure you could probably guess what this one is going to be), we want to do some major maintenance on our scheduling. We hope to space out our photo sessions and weddings enough that we're able to get caught up on editing in between them, as much as possible. I realize that this may not always be the most realistic goal, but we're really going to work hard at it. Being completely caught up on editing is one of the most amazing feelings and we weren't aware of how gratifying it actually is until we were able to have a few true days off over the holidays. It was such a huge sense of accomplishment and we want to be able to feel that as much as we possibly can, to minimize stress and to keep our sanity. We have absolutely no choice but to get it under control. It is the only way to stay positive, be true to ourselves, and still thoroughly enjoy what we do.

  • We want to allow ourselves more time to learn and grow. There are so many different aspects and techniques of photography, whether is be with lighting, camera settings, posing, location, etc... We want to explore and discover new options that we haven't came across yet. This should prove to be a big advantage to ourselves and our clients. We are anxious to bring new perspectives and ideas to the table, as we expand our work and build on how far we've already come.

  • We would love to do more travelling, both in our personal and professional lives. This, of course, demands goal number one to be carried out before it can happen, but we are optimistic that it can be done. We want to photograph more destination or not-so-local weddings, in addition to the ones we do that are closer to home. Travelling has always been a love of mine, so I am very excited that we both have this goal. Of course, we will, most likely, have to do some exploring into the best ways to market ourselves for that, but we are up for the challenge.

  • It would be such an honor to have our work on display somewhere, whether it be at a hospital, airport, restaurant, etc... or in a magazine. This is something we will definitely have to look into, as far as how to go about it, but if we're able to accomplish this goal, it will be one of our main staples in 2011.

There are going to be a few changes coming to our business in 2011 that are already in the works and we couldn't be more excited about them! We already consider our work in photography to be one of our most treasured gifts and we hold it very dear to our hearts. With that said, we have finally came to the sole conclusion that we should do more to make sure it is also presented in the best way possible. This particular change will not only do a lot to protect our name and benefit us, but also our clients. Stay tuned, we will elaborate more on this as it is introduced into our business. We are truly looking forward to introducing many new, positive angles to our business!

We cannot wait to meet all of the new faces that we are going to be photographing in 2011! 2010 has surely proven to be a year of making new friendships and strengthening some of the ones that were already there, thanks to our work. We look forward to all of the opportunities and experiences that this new year has to offer and we are going to approach them with smiles on our faces!!


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